CCA programmes are introduced to give the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. It is generally taking place outside of a typical pen and pencil class room experience. In order to develop our students’ social skill, we have come up with myriads of activities on every Saturday’s for classes IV-X. The activities included under this are

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Cooking, decorating, diet/self-help and gardening books are guilty pleasures and useful time fillers.

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Karate aims to build character, improve human behavior, and cultivate modesty; it does not, however, guarantee it.” 

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The intellect always cuts and divides like a pair of scissors. The heart sews things together and unites like a needle. The tailor uses both.

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Football is a family of   team sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball to score a goal. Unqualified, the word FOOTBALL normally means the form of football that is the most popular where the word is used.

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